About Sidmouth Lions

Lions Club of Sidmouth bannerThe Lions Club of Sidmouth is a Registered Charity 

(Charity No. 1015311).

There has been a Lions Club in Sidmouth for just over 48 years, it having been founded in 1976. During that time, the Club has raised many, many thousands of pounds to support local organisations and people in need;  it has also made various donations further afield to humanitarian charities and worthwhile causes, including disaster relief.

At present, there are 13 members of the Sidmouth Lions Club. We serve in any way that we can and to the best of our ability, what we see to be the needs of the community in which we live; also, in whatever form appears necessary and to whatever extent our resources of time and money permit.

Money is raised from you, the public, to support our projects. All monies raised for charitable purposes are used entirely  for charity and good causes. All members subscribe towards the modest administration costs of the Club.

Our regular fund-raising events include the Duck Derby in July each year, Easter Draws,

Concerts, Great Book Sales and our Santa Sleigh float, which tours the area during the 2-3 weeks before Christmas.

We would like to express our thanks to our local community, and also to the visitors to this area, 

for the generous support we have received at our various fund raising activities.

If you would like to know more about the Lions Club,

please telephone one of the Club Officers below

or e-mail info@sidmouthlions.org.uk 

or contact us via the 'Contact us' tab at the top of this page.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Club Officers 2022-23

President: Lion Graham Rossiter - 07870 954820

Secretary: Lion Chris Rignall - 01395 577450

For any comments or difficulties regarding our website, please contact the Administrator:

Lion Chris Rignall - chris.rignall@sidmouthlions.org.uk